Childhood myopia is a common and progressive eye condition
Recent myopia research shows:
of Canadian children age 11-13 are
of these children
do not have corrective lenses
increased risk for retinal detachment over -6.00D of

Minimize the negative effects of childhood myopia
Schedule a myopia control consultation today!
Why should I have a routine eye examination?Routine eye examinations are a critical part of maintaining healthy eyes and excellent vision. During your eye exam, your optometrist will test for many vision related issues as well as screen for eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetes. Your optometrist will help determine the best vision correction solution for your visual needs. We remain updated on the latest spectacle lens choices, provide contact lens fittings, and are knowledgeable in regard to your laser vision correction options. Routine eye examinations also allow your optometrist to ensure your eyes remain healthy. Many eye diseases do not cause symptoms early in the disease process, and early detection is crucial in order to achieve successful treatment. Contact us to schedule an appointment today!
What is Dry Eye Disease?Dry Eye Disease is an increasingly common eye condition that results from poorly functioning tears. Our tears are made of three main components: an oil layer, a water layer, and a mucous layer. An imbalance of these tear components leads to inflammation and irritation of the ocular surface. Symptoms of dry eye disease can be mild or occasional, but will often worsen over time if the underlying cause is not treated. There are two main types of Dry Eye Disease: Evaporative (Oil Deficient) Dry Eye Aqueous (Water Deficient) Dry Eye
What is myopia?Myopia (near-sightedness) is an eye disorder caused by the improper focus of light entering the eye. When the eyeball grows too long, light will focus in front of the retina instead of directly on the retina at the back of the eye. Myopia is an increasingly common condition that causes blurred far vision and may worsen with time. New myopia treatments not only help to maintain clear vision, but also help to slow the progression of myopia and reduce the risk for future eye health issues that are associated with higher levels of myopia.
Why should I have a routine eye exam?Routine eye exams are a critical part of maintaining healthy eyes and excellent vision. During your eye exam, your optometrist will test for many vision related issues as well as screen for eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetes. Your optometrist will help determine the best vision correction solution for your visual needs. We remain updated on the latest spectacle lens choices, provide contact lens fittings, and are knowledgeable in regard to your laser vision correction options. Routine eye exams also allow your optometrist to ensure your eyes remain healthy. Many eye diseases do not cause symptoms early in the disease process, and early detection is crucial in order to achieve successful treatment. Contact us to schedule an appointment today!
Is my child at risk for developing myopia?Myopia (near-sightedness) is an increasingly common eye condition affecting school-aged children. A recent study conducted here in Canada showed 28.9% of children aged 11-13 were near-sighted & that the prevalence of myopia increases with age. It is estimated that 50% of the world’s population will be near-sighted by 2050. Risk factors for developing myopia include: Family History of Myopia Excessive near vision tasks & electronic device use Reduced time spent outdoors
Evaporative (Oil Deficient) Dry EyeAs the most common cause, this type affects up to 90% of patients with dry eye disease. Meibomian glands located within our eyelids produce a vegetable oil like substance that flows over the surface of the eye and prevents tear evaporation. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is most often caused by the development of a bacterial biofilm (much like dental plaque) along the edge of the eyelid. This leads to blockages or inflammation within the oil glands, causes a thin and unstable oil layer, and results in dry eye symptoms. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) can also worsen with age, hormonal changes, contact lens wear, or with certain prescription medications. Fortunately there are now several very effective treatments available to reduce or even prevent Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Evaporative Dry Eye.
How often should I have my eyes examined?The recommended eye examination frequency will vary depending on your age, vision related needs, systemic health, and risk factors for eye disease. The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends the following schedule for routine eye examinations: Infants <24 months: 1st eye examination between 6-9 months of age Children <5 years: At least one eye examination between 2-5 years of age Children 6-19 years: Annual examinations Adults 20-64 years: An eye examination every 2 years Adults 65+: Annual eye examinations
How can I help prevent my child’s myopia from getting worse?We now have several effective myopia control treatment options available to slow the progression/increase of myopia. Glasses correction for myopia is no longer the best treatment choice.
What tests are performed during my eye examination?At LUX Eye Care, we feel everyone deserves the highest quality of eye care. For this reason, we provide thorough eye examinations and use the latest technologies for assessing your vision and eye health. The following tests will be performed as part of your routine examination: Visual acuity testing: To assess your current level of vision Ocular alignment & focussing: To ensure comfortable vision throughout your day Automated and subjective refraction: To optimize your visual function Intraocular pressure measurement (IOP): To identify glaucoma risk Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) & Retinal Imaging: For early detection of eye disease Slit lamp biomicroscopy: For detailed assessment of ocular structures Other testing may be recommended depending on your vision and eye health needs.
Aqueous (Water Deficient) Dry EyeAlthough a less common cause, this type affects about 10% of patients with dry eye disease. The Lacrimal Gland, located under the upper eyelid, produces the aqueous (water) component of our tears to lubricate the surface of the eye. Lacrimal Dysfunction is most often caused by the development of chronic eye inflammation. This leads to damage to the lacrimal gland and sensory nerves in the eye, causes a thin water layer, and results in dry eye symptoms. Lacrimal Dysfunction is associated with aging, hormonal changes, ocular surgery, many prescription medications, and can be associated with autoimmune or inflammatory health conditions. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to help manage Lacrimal Dysfunction and Aqueous Deficient Dry Eye.
What tests are performed during my eye exam?At LUX Eye Care, we feel everyone deserves the highest quality of eye care. For this reason, we provide thorough eye exams and use the latest technologies for assessing your vision and eye health. The following tests will be performed as part of your routine exam: Visual acuity testing: To assess your current level of vision Ocular alignment & focussing: To ensure comfortable vision throughout your day Automated and subjective refraction: To optimize your visual function Intraocular pressure measurement (IOP): To identify glaucoma risk Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) & Retinal Imaging: For early detection of eye disease Slit lamp biomicroscopy: For detailed assessment of ocular structures Other testing may be recommended depending on your vision and eye health needs.
What is a Dry Eye Evaluation?A Dry Eye Evaluation is a consultation appointment where several measurements and scans are performed in order to help Dr. Sayer determine the type and severity of your dry eye disease. The results of these measurements will guide Dr. Sayer’s treatment recommendations for you. The following is a list of some of the measurements that may be performed: Meibography Tear Production Tear Volume Tear Break Up Time (TBUT) Tear Osmolarity The cost of your initial dry eye evaluation is $95. The cost of in-office dry eye treatments will vary depending on the type of treatment recommended. Dr. Sayer will discuss these treatments in detail at your consultation; however, we always welcome any questions via phone or email. Book Dry Eye Evaluation
What myopia control treatments are available?The goal of myopia control treatment is to slow down the progression/increase of myopia in children and to reduce the risk for future eye health issues that are associated with higher levels of myopia. Recent studies have shown these treatments to be effective and can reduce myopia progression by 40-60% per year on average. There are several treatment modalities available: Ortho-Keratology Contact Lenses Soft Multifocal Contact Lenses Low Dose Atropine Treatment
What Treatments Are Available For Dry Eye Disease?There are now many dry eye treatments available to our patients ranging from home-based to in-office treatments. Creating a customized plan for each patient is key to achieving treatment success. Determining the type of dry eye disease is very helpful to guide treatment choices. Home-Based treatments: Lubricant Eye-Drops Eyelid Hygiene (Lid Wipes) & Eyelid Compress (Heat Mask) Prescription Anti-Inflammatory Medications Nutritional Supplements (Omega 3/6) In-Office Treatments Eyelid Cleansing/Exfoliation Lipiflow Thermal Pulsation E-Eye Intense Pulsed Light (IRPL) Punctal Plugs Bandage Contact Lens Therapy Amniotic Membrane Therapy
What is a Dry Eye Evaluation?A Dry Eye Evaluation is a consultation appointment where several measurements and scans are performed in order to help Dr. Sayer determine the type and severity of your dry eye disease. The results of these measurements will guide Dr. Sayer’s treatment recommendations for you. The following is a list of some of the measurements that may be performed: Meibography Tear Production Tear Volume Tear Break Up Time (TBUT) Tear Osmolarity Find Out More
Will OHIP cover the cost of my eye examination?One annual eye examination is insured under OHIP for the following age groups: Children age 19 and under Adults age 65+ Adults age 20-64 for certain eye and systemic health conditions: Please check with your optometrist to see if you qualify Additional follow-up and progress visits may be OHIP insured for the above categories; however, costs for additional diagnostic testing and/or treatments are not OHIP covered. Here is a list of some optometic services NOT covered by OHIP: Additional comprehensive eye exams during the same year of an OHIP-covered exam. Eye examinations that are required by potential employers or other third parties Contact lens fitting exams and progress checks Retinal imaging (such as retinal photography, ocular coherence tomography, Heidelberg retinal tomography, etc) Laser refractive surgery co-management (pre- and post-operative) visits Treatments, such as : Eyeglasses or contact lenses In-office dry eye treatments Vision Therapy (Eye co-ordination exercises) Medications to manage diseases of the eye and surrounding tissues.
Orthokeratology Contact LensesThese contact lenses are worn during sleep and removed upon wakening. They temporarily alter the curvature of the eye (cornea) and allow your child to see clearly without glasses during the day. They help to slow myopia progression by changing the focus of light onto the peripheral retina – slowing eye growth.
Orthokeratology Contact LensesThese contact lenses are worn during sleep and removed upon wakening. They temporarily alter the curvature of the eye (cornea) and allow your child to see clearly without glasses during the day. They help to slow myopia progression by changing the focus of light onto the peripheral retina – slowing eye growth.
Will my private health insurance plan cover the cost of my eye examination?Routine eye examinations are no longer OHIP insured between the age of 20-64; however, many private health insurance plans will offer coverage for optometry services. Please check with your insurance provider regarding your plan coverage.
MiSight Soft Multi-Focal Contact LensesMiSight contact lenses are the first soft multi-focal contact lens approved by Health Canada as a safe and effective treatment for myopia control. These contact lenses are worn during the day and are removed at bedtime. They correct your child’s near-sighted prescription and provide clear and comfortable vision throughout the day. They also help to slow myopia progression by changing the focus of light onto the peripheral retina – slowing eye growth.
How much will my Dry Eye Evaluation cost?Your initial dry eye evaluation is $95. During this visit, Dr. Sayer will perform several dry eye measurements to determine the underlying cause of your symptoms. The cost of in-office dry eye treatments will vary depending on the type of treatment recommended. Dr. Sayer will discuss these treatments in detail at your consultation; however, we always welcome any questions via phone or email.
Low Dose Atropine EyedropsThese prescription eye drops are used each evening at bedtime. Your child will still require full time glasses wear during the day and we may recommend Transitions/tinted and Bifocal lenses. This medication helps to slow myopia progression by slowing eye growth.
MiYOSMART (DIMS) Spectacle LensesThese specially designed spectacle lenses help to minimize myopia progression by changing the focus of light in the peripheral retina. These lenses can be prescribed in conjunction with with other myopia control treatments.
Zeiss Myovision Spectacle LensesThese specially designed spectacle lenses help to minimize myopia progression by changing the focus of light in the peripheral retina. These lenses are commonly prescribed in conjunction with with other myopia control treatments.
Children's Eye Health AssessmentAlthough eye disease is uncommon in childhood, there are many eye health conditions that can impede vision, interfere with visual development, and contribute to learning difficulties for our children. All children should have regular eye examinations in order to promptly identify any vision related problems. 80% of learning occurs though vision and regular eye examinations can help promote successful school performance. Some of the eye conditions your optometrist can identify include: Refractive Error (Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism) Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) Strabismus (Ocular-misalignment) Eye Disease (Inherited or Acquired)
Lubricant Eye-DropsThe use of lubricant eye drops is the most common dry eye treatment recommended by eye care providers today. Lubricant eye drops are available in many different formulations and many brand names. These lubricant drops provide temporary relief from dry eye symptoms; however, do not treat the underlying cause of dry eye disease.
Children's Eye HealthAlthough eye disease is uncommon in childhood, there are many eye health conditions that can impede vision, interfere with visual development, and contribute to learning difficulties for our children. All children should have regular eye examinations in order to promptly identify any vision related problems. 80% of learning occurs though vision and regular eye examinations can help promote successful school performance. Some of the eye conditions your optometrist can identify include: Refractive Error (Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism) Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) Strabismus (Ocular-misalignment) Eye Disease (Inherited or Acquired)
Adult Eye HealthYour optometrist is able to identify and treat many eye health conditions. Early detection of eye disease is critical in order to initiate treatments that will minimize any negative impact on your vision. Some of the eye-related conditions your optometrist can identify and/or treat include: Eye infections, inflammatory conditions, dry eye, or allergies Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease Retinal Disease (inherited or acquired)
Adult Eye Health AssessmentYour optometrist is able to identify and treat many eye health conditions. Early detection of eye disease is critical in order to initiate treatments that will minimize any negative impact on your vision. Some of the eye-related conditions your optometrist can identify and/or treat include: Eye infections, inflammatory conditions, dry eye, or allergies Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease Retinal Disease (inherited or acquired)
Eyelid Hygiene (Lid Wipe) & Eyelid Compress (Heat Mask)Eyelid hygiene is an important part of maintaining healthy eyelids and tear function. The use of an eyelid wipe helps to remove bacterial biofilm (analogous to dental plaque) which often builds up along the eyelid margin and within the eyelashes. A heat mask or warm compress applied to the eyelids can help improve Meibomian gland oil secretion & flow by “melting” thickened oils and minimizing gland blockages. This treatment can help improve dry eye symptoms in cases of Meibomian gland dysfunction and Evaporative Dry Eye with a short term effect. Consistent daily warm compress treatments are needed.
Prescription Anti-Inflammatory MedicationsThere are several prescription medications available to help treat inflammation associated with dry eye disease. These medications include topical steroids, cyclosporine (Restasis), and lifitegrast (Xiidra) eye drops.
Maintaining Healthy EyesEnter your answer here
Nutritional Supplements (Omega 3/6)Omega-3 (EPA/DHA) and certain Omega-6 (GLA) supplements can help to improve Meibomian gland oil secretions, reduce eye inflammation, and help promote healthy tear function.
Microblepharoexfoliation (MBE) Eyelid CleaningSimilar to a dental cleaning, the MBE eyelid cleaning & exfoliation treatment will remove bacterial biofilm (analogous to dental plaque) which often builds up along the eyelid margin and eyelashes. This will reduce surface blockages in the meibomian glands and will remove bacterial sources of eye inflammation. This treatment is quite effective for reducing itchy eyelids, redness, and burning symptoms and will often be repeated every 6-12 months. An at-home eyelid hygiene regimen (lid wipe) is recommended to reduce the need for repeat treatments. Find Out More
Lipiflow Thermal Pulsation™The Lipiflow treatment uses Thermal Pulse Technology™ to apply regulated heat and massage to the meibomian glands within the eyelids. This helps to remove gland blockages, restore normal oil secretion & flow, and improves tear function. Lipiflow is a very effective treatment for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Evaporative Dry Eye. Find Out More
E-Eye Intense Pulsed Light (IRPL)The E-Eye IRPL treatment uses regulated polychromatic light pulses applied to the eyelids and surrounding area. This light treatment helps to stimulate Meibomian gland oil secretion & flow, reduces eyelid inflammation, and improves tear function. E-Eye IRPL treatment is an effective and lasting treatment for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Evaporative Dry Eye. Find Out More
Punctal PlugsPunctal occlusion therapy involves insertion of a small, silicone device (punctal plug) into the tear duct of the lower eyelid to decrease tear drainage and to allow patients to retain more of their natural tears. Punctal occlusion therapy is simple, painless, and can significantly improve dry eye symptoms caused by Lacrimal Dysfunction and Aqueous Deficient Dry Eye. Find Out More
Bandage Contact Lens TherapyBandage contact lens therapy involves insertion of a silicone hydrogel contact lens onto the eye in cases where dry eye disease has caused irritation or damage to the surface of the cornea. The bandage contact lens helps to protect the cornea, and improves healing time while decreasing dry eye symptoms.
Amniotic Membrane TherapyThis treatment involves the application of amniotic membrane tissue onto the eye to improve healing in cases where corneal damage or scarring is present. Amniotic tissue is rich in growth factors and anti-inflammatory proteins which aid in healing. The amniotic membrane is housed within a medical device similar to a bandage contact lens and remains on the eye for 5-10 days. This treatment is typically saved for moderate to severe cases of dry eye disease. Find Out More
Why should I have a routine eye examination?Routine eye examinations are a critical part of maintaining healthy eyes and excellent vision. During your eye exam, your optometrist will test for many vision related issues as well as screen for eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetes. Your optometrist will help determine the best vision correction solution for your visual needs. We remain updated on the latest spectacle lens choices, provide contact lens fittings, and are knowledgeable in regard to your laser vision correction options. Routine eye examinations also allow your optometrist to ensure your eyes remain healthy. Many eye diseases do not cause symptoms early in the disease process, and early detection is crucial in order to achieve successful treatment. Contact us to schedule an appointment today!
What is Dry Eye Disease?Dry Eye Disease is an increasingly common eye condition that results from poorly functioning tears. Our tears are made of three main components: an oil layer, a water layer, and a mucous layer. An imbalance of these tear components leads to inflammation and irritation of the ocular surface. Symptoms of dry eye disease can be mild or occasional, but will often worsen over time if the underlying cause is not treated. There are two main types of Dry Eye Disease: Evaporative (Oil Deficient) Dry Eye Aqueous (Water Deficient) Dry Eye
What is myopia?Myopia (near-sightedness) is an eye disorder caused by the improper focus of light entering the eye. When the eyeball grows too long, light will focus in front of the retina instead of directly on the retina at the back of the eye. Myopia is an increasingly common condition that causes blurred far vision and may worsen with time. New myopia treatments not only help to maintain clear vision, but also help to slow the progression of myopia and reduce the risk for future eye health issues that are associated with higher levels of myopia.
Why should I have a routine eye exam?Routine eye exams are a critical part of maintaining healthy eyes and excellent vision. During your eye exam, your optometrist will test for many vision related issues as well as screen for eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetes. Your optometrist will help determine the best vision correction solution for your visual needs. We remain updated on the latest spectacle lens choices, provide contact lens fittings, and are knowledgeable in regard to your laser vision correction options. Routine eye exams also allow your optometrist to ensure your eyes remain healthy. Many eye diseases do not cause symptoms early in the disease process, and early detection is crucial in order to achieve successful treatment. Contact us to schedule an appointment today!
Is my child at risk for developing myopia?Myopia (near-sightedness) is an increasingly common eye condition affecting school-aged children. A recent study conducted here in Canada showed 28.9% of children aged 11-13 were near-sighted & that the prevalence of myopia increases with age. It is estimated that 50% of the world’s population will be near-sighted by 2050. Risk factors for developing myopia include: Family History of Myopia Excessive near vision tasks & electronic device use Reduced time spent outdoors
Evaporative (Oil Deficient) Dry EyeAs the most common cause, this type affects up to 90% of patients with dry eye disease. Meibomian glands located within our eyelids produce a vegetable oil like substance that flows over the surface of the eye and prevents tear evaporation. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is most often caused by the development of a bacterial biofilm (much like dental plaque) along the edge of the eyelid. This leads to blockages or inflammation within the oil glands, causes a thin and unstable oil layer, and results in dry eye symptoms. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) can also worsen with age, hormonal changes, contact lens wear, or with certain prescription medications. Fortunately there are now several very effective treatments available to reduce or even prevent Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Evaporative Dry Eye.
How often should I have my eyes examined?The recommended eye examination frequency will vary depending on your age, vision related needs, systemic health, and risk factors for eye disease. The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends the following schedule for routine eye examinations: Infants <24 months: 1st eye examination between 6-9 months of age Children <5 years: At least one eye examination between 2-5 years of age Children 6-19 years: Annual examinations Adults 20-64 years: An eye examination every 2 years Adults 65+: Annual eye examinations
How can I help prevent my child’s myopia from getting worse?We now have several effective myopia control treatment options available to slow the progression/increase of myopia. Glasses correction for myopia is no longer the best treatment choice.
What tests are performed during my eye examination?At LUX Eye Care, we feel everyone deserves the highest quality of eye care. For this reason, we provide thorough eye examinations and use the latest technologies for assessing your vision and eye health. The following tests will be performed as part of your routine examination: Visual acuity testing: To assess your current level of vision Ocular alignment & focussing: To ensure comfortable vision throughout your day Automated and subjective refraction: To optimize your visual function Intraocular pressure measurement (IOP): To identify glaucoma risk Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) & Retinal Imaging: For early detection of eye disease Slit lamp biomicroscopy: For detailed assessment of ocular structures Other testing may be recommended depending on your vision and eye health needs.
Aqueous (Water Deficient) Dry EyeAlthough a less common cause, this type affects about 10% of patients with dry eye disease. The Lacrimal Gland, located under the upper eyelid, produces the aqueous (water) component of our tears to lubricate the surface of the eye. Lacrimal Dysfunction is most often caused by the development of chronic eye inflammation. This leads to damage to the lacrimal gland and sensory nerves in the eye, causes a thin water layer, and results in dry eye symptoms. Lacrimal Dysfunction is associated with aging, hormonal changes, ocular surgery, many prescription medications, and can be associated with autoimmune or inflammatory health conditions. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to help manage Lacrimal Dysfunction and Aqueous Deficient Dry Eye.
What tests are performed during my eye exam?At LUX Eye Care, we feel everyone deserves the highest quality of eye care. For this reason, we provide thorough eye exams and use the latest technologies for assessing your vision and eye health. The following tests will be performed as part of your routine exam: Visual acuity testing: To assess your current level of vision Ocular alignment & focussing: To ensure comfortable vision throughout your day Automated and subjective refraction: To optimize your visual function Intraocular pressure measurement (IOP): To identify glaucoma risk Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) & Retinal Imaging: For early detection of eye disease Slit lamp biomicroscopy: For detailed assessment of ocular structures Other testing may be recommended depending on your vision and eye health needs.
What is a Dry Eye Evaluation?A Dry Eye Evaluation is a consultation appointment where several measurements and scans are performed in order to help Dr. Sayer determine the type and severity of your dry eye disease. The results of these measurements will guide Dr. Sayer’s treatment recommendations for you. The following is a list of some of the measurements that may be performed: Meibography Tear Production Tear Volume Tear Break Up Time (TBUT) Tear Osmolarity The cost of your initial dry eye evaluation is $95. The cost of in-office dry eye treatments will vary depending on the type of treatment recommended. Dr. Sayer will discuss these treatments in detail at your consultation; however, we always welcome any questions via phone or email. Book Dry Eye Evaluation
What myopia control treatments are available?The goal of myopia control treatment is to slow down the progression/increase of myopia in children and to reduce the risk for future eye health issues that are associated with higher levels of myopia. Recent studies have shown these treatments to be effective and can reduce myopia progression by 40-60% per year on average. There are several treatment modalities available: Ortho-Keratology Contact Lenses Soft Multifocal Contact Lenses Low Dose Atropine Treatment
What Treatments Are Available For Dry Eye Disease?There are now many dry eye treatments available to our patients ranging from home-based to in-office treatments. Creating a customized plan for each patient is key to achieving treatment success. Determining the type of dry eye disease is very helpful to guide treatment choices. Home-Based treatments: Lubricant Eye-Drops Eyelid Hygiene (Lid Wipes) & Eyelid Compress (Heat Mask) Prescription Anti-Inflammatory Medications Nutritional Supplements (Omega 3/6) In-Office Treatments Eyelid Cleansing/Exfoliation Lipiflow Thermal Pulsation E-Eye Intense Pulsed Light (IRPL) Punctal Plugs Bandage Contact Lens Therapy Amniotic Membrane Therapy
What is a Dry Eye Evaluation?A Dry Eye Evaluation is a consultation appointment where several measurements and scans are performed in order to help Dr. Sayer determine the type and severity of your dry eye disease. The results of these measurements will guide Dr. Sayer’s treatment recommendations for you. The following is a list of some of the measurements that may be performed: Meibography Tear Production Tear Volume Tear Break Up Time (TBUT) Tear Osmolarity Find Out More
Will OHIP cover the cost of my eye examination?One annual eye examination is insured under OHIP for the following age groups: Children age 19 and under Adults age 65+ Adults age 20-64 for certain eye and systemic health conditions: Please check with your optometrist to see if you qualify Additional follow-up and progress visits may be OHIP insured for the above categories; however, costs for additional diagnostic testing and/or treatments are not OHIP covered. Here is a list of some optometic services NOT covered by OHIP: Additional comprehensive eye exams during the same year of an OHIP-covered exam. Eye examinations that are required by potential employers or other third parties Contact lens fitting exams and progress checks Retinal imaging (such as retinal photography, ocular coherence tomography, Heidelberg retinal tomography, etc) Laser refractive surgery co-management (pre- and post-operative) visits Treatments, such as : Eyeglasses or contact lenses In-office dry eye treatments Vision Therapy (Eye co-ordination exercises) Medications to manage diseases of the eye and surrounding tissues.
Orthokeratology Contact LensesThese contact lenses are worn during sleep and removed upon wakening. They temporarily alter the curvature of the eye (cornea) and allow your child to see clearly without glasses during the day. They help to slow myopia progression by changing the focus of light onto the peripheral retina – slowing eye growth.
Orthokeratology Contact LensesThese contact lenses are worn during sleep and removed upon wakening. They temporarily alter the curvature of the eye (cornea) and allow your child to see clearly without glasses during the day. They help to slow myopia progression by changing the focus of light onto the peripheral retina – slowing eye growth.
Will my private health insurance plan cover the cost of my eye examination?Routine eye examinations are no longer OHIP insured between the age of 20-64; however, many private health insurance plans will offer coverage for optometry services. Please check with your insurance provider regarding your plan coverage.
MiSight Soft Multi-Focal Contact LensesMiSight contact lenses are the first soft multi-focal contact lens approved by Health Canada as a safe and effective treatment for myopia control. These contact lenses are worn during the day and are removed at bedtime. They correct your child’s near-sighted prescription and provide clear and comfortable vision throughout the day. They also help to slow myopia progression by changing the focus of light onto the peripheral retina – slowing eye growth.
How much will my Dry Eye Evaluation cost?Your initial dry eye evaluation is $95. During this visit, Dr. Sayer will perform several dry eye measurements to determine the underlying cause of your symptoms. The cost of in-office dry eye treatments will vary depending on the type of treatment recommended. Dr. Sayer will discuss these treatments in detail at your consultation; however, we always welcome any questions via phone or email.
Low Dose Atropine EyedropsThese prescription eye drops are used each evening at bedtime. Your child will still require full time glasses wear during the day and we may recommend Transitions/tinted and Bifocal lenses. This medication helps to slow myopia progression by slowing eye growth.
MiYOSMART (DIMS) Spectacle LensesThese specially designed spectacle lenses help to minimize myopia progression by changing the focus of light in the peripheral retina. These lenses can be prescribed in conjunction with with other myopia control treatments.
Zeiss Myovision Spectacle LensesThese specially designed spectacle lenses help to minimize myopia progression by changing the focus of light in the peripheral retina. These lenses are commonly prescribed in conjunction with with other myopia control treatments.
Children's Eye Health AssessmentAlthough eye disease is uncommon in childhood, there are many eye health conditions that can impede vision, interfere with visual development, and contribute to learning difficulties for our children. All children should have regular eye examinations in order to promptly identify any vision related problems. 80% of learning occurs though vision and regular eye examinations can help promote successful school performance. Some of the eye conditions your optometrist can identify include: Refractive Error (Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism) Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) Strabismus (Ocular-misalignment) Eye Disease (Inherited or Acquired)
Lubricant Eye-DropsThe use of lubricant eye drops is the most common dry eye treatment recommended by eye care providers today. Lubricant eye drops are available in many different formulations and many brand names. These lubricant drops provide temporary relief from dry eye symptoms; however, do not treat the underlying cause of dry eye disease.
Children's Eye HealthAlthough eye disease is uncommon in childhood, there are many eye health conditions that can impede vision, interfere with visual development, and contribute to learning difficulties for our children. All children should have regular eye examinations in order to promptly identify any vision related problems. 80% of learning occurs though vision and regular eye examinations can help promote successful school performance. Some of the eye conditions your optometrist can identify include: Refractive Error (Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism) Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) Strabismus (Ocular-misalignment) Eye Disease (Inherited or Acquired)
Adult Eye HealthYour optometrist is able to identify and treat many eye health conditions. Early detection of eye disease is critical in order to initiate treatments that will minimize any negative impact on your vision. Some of the eye-related conditions your optometrist can identify and/or treat include: Eye infections, inflammatory conditions, dry eye, or allergies Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease Retinal Disease (inherited or acquired)
Adult Eye Health AssessmentYour optometrist is able to identify and treat many eye health conditions. Early detection of eye disease is critical in order to initiate treatments that will minimize any negative impact on your vision. Some of the eye-related conditions your optometrist can identify and/or treat include: Eye infections, inflammatory conditions, dry eye, or allergies Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease Retinal Disease (inherited or acquired)
Eyelid Hygiene (Lid Wipe) & Eyelid Compress (Heat Mask)Eyelid hygiene is an important part of maintaining healthy eyelids and tear function. The use of an eyelid wipe helps to remove bacterial biofilm (analogous to dental plaque) which often builds up along the eyelid margin and within the eyelashes. A heat mask or warm compress applied to the eyelids can help improve Meibomian gland oil secretion & flow by “melting” thickened oils and minimizing gland blockages. This treatment can help improve dry eye symptoms in cases of Meibomian gland dysfunction and Evaporative Dry Eye with a short term effect. Consistent daily warm compress treatments are needed.
Prescription Anti-Inflammatory MedicationsThere are several prescription medications available to help treat inflammation associated with dry eye disease. These medications include topical steroids, cyclosporine (Restasis), and lifitegrast (Xiidra) eye drops.
Maintaining Healthy EyesEnter your answer here
Nutritional Supplements (Omega 3/6)Omega-3 (EPA/DHA) and certain Omega-6 (GLA) supplements can help to improve Meibomian gland oil secretions, reduce eye inflammation, and help promote healthy tear function.
Microblepharoexfoliation (MBE) Eyelid CleaningSimilar to a dental cleaning, the MBE eyelid cleaning & exfoliation treatment will remove bacterial biofilm (analogous to dental plaque) which often builds up along the eyelid margin and eyelashes. This will reduce surface blockages in the meibomian glands and will remove bacterial sources of eye inflammation. This treatment is quite effective for reducing itchy eyelids, redness, and burning symptoms and will often be repeated every 6-12 months. An at-home eyelid hygiene regimen (lid wipe) is recommended to reduce the need for repeat treatments. Find Out More
Lipiflow Thermal Pulsation™The Lipiflow treatment uses Thermal Pulse Technology™ to apply regulated heat and massage to the meibomian glands within the eyelids. This helps to remove gland blockages, restore normal oil secretion & flow, and improves tear function. Lipiflow is a very effective treatment for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Evaporative Dry Eye. Find Out More
E-Eye Intense Pulsed Light (IRPL)The E-Eye IRPL treatment uses regulated polychromatic light pulses applied to the eyelids and surrounding area. This light treatment helps to stimulate Meibomian gland oil secretion & flow, reduces eyelid inflammation, and improves tear function. E-Eye IRPL treatment is an effective and lasting treatment for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Evaporative Dry Eye. Find Out More
Punctal PlugsPunctal occlusion therapy involves insertion of a small, silicone device (punctal plug) into the tear duct of the lower eyelid to decrease tear drainage and to allow patients to retain more of their natural tears. Punctal occlusion therapy is simple, painless, and can significantly improve dry eye symptoms caused by Lacrimal Dysfunction and Aqueous Deficient Dry Eye. Find Out More
Bandage Contact Lens TherapyBandage contact lens therapy involves insertion of a silicone hydrogel contact lens onto the eye in cases where dry eye disease has caused irritation or damage to the surface of the cornea. The bandage contact lens helps to protect the cornea, and improves healing time while decreasing dry eye symptoms.
Amniotic Membrane TherapyThis treatment involves the application of amniotic membrane tissue onto the eye to improve healing in cases where corneal damage or scarring is present. Amniotic tissue is rich in growth factors and anti-inflammatory proteins which aid in healing. The amniotic membrane is housed within a medical device similar to a bandage contact lens and remains on the eye for 5-10 days. This treatment is typically saved for moderate to severe cases of dry eye disease. Find Out More

"Glasses correction is no longer the best treatment option for childhood
near-sightedness ."
- Dr. Graehem Sayer

MiSight Contact Lenses
MiSight contact lenses are worn during the day and are removed at bedtime. They correct your child’s near-sighted prescription and provide clear and comfortable vision throughout the day. These lenses help to slow myopia progression by changing the focus of light onto the peripheral retina – slowing eye growth.

Orthokeratology Contact Lenses
These contact lenses are worn during sleep and removed upon wakening. They temporarily alter the curvature of the eye (cornea) and allow your child to see clearly without glasses during the day. They help to slow myopia progression by changing the focus of light onto the peripheral retina – slowing eye growth.

Low Dose Atropine Treatment
These prescription eye drops are used each night at bedtime. Your child will still require full-time glasses wear during the day and we may recommend transitions/tinted and bifocal lenses. This medication helps to slow myopia progression by slowing eye growth.

MiYOSMART Spectacle Lenses
These specially designed spectacle lenses help to minimize myopia progression by changing the focus of light in the peripheral retina. These lenses may be prescribed in conjunction with other myopia control treatments.