E>EYE is the first medical device in the world using IRPL® technology that has been specifically designed for the treatment of dry eyes due to meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD).
Meibomian gland dysfunction has been identified as a principle cause of dry eye disease. It results in the tear film becoming unstable, leading to an an excessive evaporation of tears. It is now acknowledged that most cases of evaporative dry eye are primarily due to a compromised external lipid layer of the tear film, caused by malfunctioning meibomian glands.

The E>Eye IRPL uses pulsed light flashes applied to the skin around the eyelids. The wavelength of light used is specifically regulated (580-1200 nm) to stimulate the parasympathetic nerve pathway to the Meibomian glands. This helps to restore healthy oil gland secretions and improves tear layer stability. IRPL pulsed light also helps to reduce eyelid inflammation caused by abnormal telangiectatic blood vessels along the eyelid margin - reducing the risk of Meibomian gland damage (atrophy).

The E>Eye procedure is simple, painless and each treatment session takes only a few minutes.
The patient is comfortably seated on a treatment chair, in a relaxed position.
The patient's eyes are covered by protective eye shields and a layer of optical gel is applied to the treatment area.
A series of non-invasive light pulses is applied to the skin around the eyelids. The series is repeated in the same way for both eyes.
The patient can return to their regular daily activities immediately after the treatment

E>Eye IRPL® treatment helps to improve Meibomian gland function, stabilize the lipid tear layer, and improve symptoms related to evaporative dry eye in a very short amount of time following the treatment. The effect of the first two treatments can last a few days up to 3 weeks. Once all treatment sessions are completed, many patients will experience improvement of their dry eye symptoms for 6 to 12 months or longer.
The E-Eye protocol comprises three to four sessions, completed several weeks apart. It is recommended to repeat one application once symptoms are coming back.
A Lasting and Effective Solution
to Treat Dry Eye Disease
The results of several independent E>Eye studies
speak for themselves
Recommend the treatment
Feel symptom improvement
Discontinue using eye drops
Dr. Graehem Sayer
On E>Eye IRPL Technology
I am incredibly excited to have added the E>Eye IRPL as a treatment option for my dry eye patients.
IPL has been used in dermatology to treat a variety of skin conditions for over 25 years; however, its use in eye care has emerged quickly in recent years. A number of research studies from several countries including France, China, and New Zealand have shown the E>Eye IRPL to be an effective and lasting treatment for evaporative dry eye - the most common type of dry eye disease.
As a result, the E>Eye IRPL has become a mainstay dry eye treatment in Europe and Australia since 2014. In March 2020, Health Canada approved the E>Eye device for use. I am very proud to be one of the first eye doctors in Canada to offer the E>Eye IRPL technology at my practice in Ancaster, Ontario. I am a strong advocate for using the latest technologies to help my patients, and the E>Eye IRPL is a treatment that will increase positive outcomes for patients with dry eye disease.
Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding the E>Eye IRPL treatment or call our office to schedule a consultation to see if you may be a candidate.
LUX Eye Care