Welcome to LUX Eye Care
Ancaster Optometrist
At LUX Eye Care, we focus on providing high-quality vision care services in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. We understand how important eyesight is to your quality of life and we strive to meet all of our patient's vision-related needs. Our knowledgeable Ancaster optometrist is dedicated to maintaining your eye health and ensuring you see the world clearly!
We provide eye exams for all ages and offer advanced eye treatments for our patients, including those suffering from dry eye disease. We believe utilizing technology is crucial to better evaluate and treat our patients, and our modern approach to optometry is evident at each visit with us.
We look forward to meeting you and your family and are excited to help you discover a lifetime of exceptional vision.
LUX Eye Care proudly serves the greater Hamilton area, including Ancaster, Dundas, Waterdown and Binbrook.
Learn more about our caring and dedicated Ancaster optometrists Dr. Graehem Sayer and Dr. Aynsley Tinkham